Selby Centre, Selby Road, London, N17 8JL
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 05.00 PM
+020 3609 0807

Service User's Policy

All Service Users have the right to be alone or undisturbed and be free from public attention or intrusion into their private affairs. The staffs of the agency are guests in the home of the Service User.

Staff will enter a Service User’s property and rooms within the property only with express consent.

Staffs of the agency respect the rights of Service Users to make telephone calls without being overheard or seen by a worker.

Records will be designed, used and stored so as to assure privacy.

Legislative controls over records, such as the Data Protection Act, will be adhered to, and the Service User’s express permission in writing will be sought before information is passed to any person other than those directly concerned with the care of the Service User.

Records will be made available to the Service User’s principal career and family according to the wishes of the Service User.

Staff Policy

NLCCA has a commitment of care towards all staff and for each member to be recognised as a valuable. Member of our team with a shared objective of giving the highest possible quality of care. NLCCA recognise that for most Service Users the most important people in our organisation are the care workers with whom Service Users will have regular contact.

All NLCCA staff shall respect the wishes of the Service User.

NLCCA Management and staff are committed to this statement and for adhering to the NLCCA Code of Practice.

All NLCCA - staff are given a staff handbook as guidance to the many aspects of administration and statuary care requirements. This handbook is updated in line with any new legislation.

All NLCCA staff undergo throughout their employment, training, by a qualified training consultancy to maximise the quality of service provided to all our Service Users.

All NLCCA Staff will commence the minimum of NVQ level 2 within twelve months of employment.

Standards for our Managers and Staff are bases on the national occupational standards for the care industry set by the National Training organisation.

The right of every resident to be treated as a valued member of society regardless of the present circumstances and to be treated with respect and dignity.

To provide physical and emotional support to residents, their family and friends.


NLCCA shall endeavour to ensure that all criteria relating to the National Minimum Care Standards are satisfied.

The Service Users are entitled to a Care Plan, which will be adhered to and provided by NLCCA.

All staff are subject to quarterly supervision and annual appraisal meetings.

Making a Complaint and Giving Compliments

We believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of the quality of our service, and an opportunity to improve that quality. We encourage Service Users to instigate the complaints procedure whenever they feel that this is necessary. We do not wish to confine complaints to major issues. It is our policy that all matters which disturb or upset a Service User should be reported, recorded, and corrective action should be taken. Only in that way can we work towards meeting our aim of continuously improving our service.